Beyond the Stage: Rapper and Lyricist NH3REE Opens Up About His Scholastic & Creative Journey

Amidst the vast ocean of rappers, there emerges a distinctive artist who continually defies the odds – NH3ree. Here at H, we had the privilege of engaging in a conversation with this determined and purpose-driven emcee. Join us for this exclusive encounter.

HHHH: Tell us a little about yourself and what NH3ree means.  

NH3ree: My full name is Ayuba Aaron Samaila. I am 30 years old on planet Earth. A researcher in the field of Science (B.SC. Biology) and currently a 2nd year Medical Student of the prestigious Kaduna State University (KASU).

I hail from Kaduna state, Ikulu by tribe.

On the stage I go by the name NH3ree the polymath, the prisoner of hope, prolific for the most highs, Graciously Redeemed And Called Expensive (GRACE). The name NH3ree is an acronym for Now in the Holy Three (tree) ( 3 for the Trinity and Tree for the Cross - Galatians 2:20) hence, the spelling NH3ree.

Started ACTIVE music ministry in the year 2012 surfacing from an underground lifestyle of music.

HHHH: How best would you describe your kind of music? 

NH3ree: My kind of music is simply lifestyle, academics and personal experiences garnered in my journey since the year 2012. I must say that daily we learn and I am still learning till the day I lay in the coffin. It's been a wonderful journey so far and am still looking forward to more experiences to share with the world relating each to every word stated in the holy manuscript (Bible).

You released a project not too long ago. Can you share with us the inspiration behind it?

NH3ree: Gospel According to Hip-Hop the Ep Listen was the second project of the Gospel According to Hip-Hop series. It stems from the point of struggle as a Christian in a contemporary world where life gets tougher by the day and my favorite song off the project is Stronghold which reminds me to stay glued to the promises of God irrespective of the happenings around me. The entire project is a beautiful piece of art that I still vibe to even in my good as well as my bad days.

HHHH: What's it like having the mic in one hand and the stethoscope in the other? 

NH3ree: This is one of the best experiences for me as someone who isn't good with doing two things at a time. Having the stethoscope in one hand and a mic in the other reminds me that I still have a life outside academics. Even though studies are taking the upper hand now, I still make room to do music when I can. This goes with the saying that all work without play makes Jack a dull boy. So I work (music) and still put in work (study). Lol!

Mixing studies in Medicine and Surgery with music is one of the challenging tasks I have taken upon myself to face and to the glory of God everything is falling into place and I hope to continue being good in academics as I am good in music.

HHHH: After taking the Hippocratic Oath does it mean you will be calling it quit in music? 

NH3ree: Music is an outlet for me. It's a medium that I use to communicate the struggles and the victory afterwards, so nope, it's too early for me to quit the MIC. As a matter of fact, it's going to be a whole new level of lyricism as I continue to contribute my quota in improving the quality of life.

HHHH: As someone who has been around for a while describe the state of CHH in Nigeria right now, also highlight the pros the cons and the best way out. 

NH3ree: I've seen CHH evolve right from my underground days to what it is today. CHH in Nigeria has survived a lot of criticism There was a time when CHH didn't gain recognition. A lot of us doing CHH then were seen as Children of the world while the world saw us as Children of the church because of the CHH culture we imbibed as the lord's prayer clearly stated "...thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Am extremely glad that a lot of us still stood our ground and today CHH has received the recognition it deserves and is still being recognized worldwide. It is an effective tool in evangelism. I have seen CHH bring down the glory of God. I have seen CHH healing the seek and so many wonders have I experienced with CHH. Thanks to the likes of Rev. Alhamdu Tukurah and the likes of Rev. Jeremiah Ekwe Mose and others not mentioned. They embraced CHH and have shown immense support to CHH arts and are still doing so. Their show of support to CHH in Kaduna state has, directly and indirectly, led to the effective use of CHH in displaying the glory and wonders of God.

One major factor affecting its use to the fullest is the desire to outshine one another and not considering each other as colleagues, disagreement and too many points proving. The scripture speaking in 2nd Corinthians 10:12 
"We do not have the audacity to put ourselves in the same class or compare ourselves with some who [supply testimonials to] commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they lack wisdom and behave like fools."

The way out is to take the formation of the 12 disciples. Irrespective of background, academic exposure, fluent speaking and disagreements, the focus still is the GOSPEL.

HHHH: What's your advice to rappers in the genre who are somewhat discouraged and perplexed? 

NH3ree: For those of us who are discouraged, my advice to you is to hold on and keep putting in work. Do not give up. Any success without a story is a counterfeit. Like a part of my verse in AJIGIJAGA said and I quote "Keep pushing till pushing begs you to stop pushing/ Your pains will be converted to gain/"

HHHH: Any new music or project coming anytime soon? 

NH3ree: I am currently working on a new project in the Gospel According To Hip-Hop series titled "Bruised not Broken". It's a 7 songs compilation featuring most of my favourites as well as y'all favourite CHH emcees. It's all about the present time in modern Nigeria, reminding us that the present suffering is nothing compared to the future glory that awaits us.

The project will be completed soon and a release date will be announced.

HHHH: It's been wholesome chatting with you. Send a shout-out to 5 people

NH3ree: My shout-out goes to these wonderful individuals and group/organization; 

Job Daniel of INVICTA FM. I appreciate your support. The air plays GRACE TALKS have been getting is from a heart that believes in the glory and wonders of God. Grace sir.

Dr. Felix Idoko AKA Flixzo C.I.P and the entire D'waters. Y'all are a blessing. Keep representing the body of Christ.

This particular shout-out goes to a wonderful brother in the person of DVM Shittu Yahaya. Congratulations to you and the Mrs. on the arrival of that bundle of Joy.

Shout out to rapper and apologist NOMAD who has been an adviser, a guide and a mentor. Thank you for all the teachings and the guide. God continue to keep thee sir.

Shout out to the Baptist Student Fellowship of Kaduna Baptist Conference.
Keep up with NH3ree on Instagram and Facebook @NH3reethepolymath/ @NH3ree thapolymath

You can enjoy some of NH3ree's music while waiting for the Bruised not Broken Project Stream 
