Nomad The Apologist Highlights Ministerial Journey And State Of CHH In Northern Nigeria

Is Christian rap dead? 
Out of concern and love for the genre and ministry, the HHHH editorial sat with a pioneer CHH rapper, lyricist and apologist Exodus Dogo, popularly known as Nomad for a heartfelt conversation.  

Nomad is a connoisseur of rap, scholar, theologian, and Christian apologist whose words no holds barred when addressing issues in the body of Christ and his beloved music genre. 

Enjoy our exclusive interview with him. 

HHHH: You are one of the oldest CHH rappers we have around, tell us how your journey has been like, and how you've been able to remain relevant.

Nomad: My journey started in 2003, I will say it was a journey of faith from the destructive life I was living. Called by God, though a lot was not clear just like Abraham, I was going to a place I had no idea about, but the faithfulness of God in keeping his word is overwhelming and over the years through his word I gained clarity of purpose. 

It's not all about relevance I will say, because one cannot keep himself relevant where God has not called him, it's just a matter of when, like the flower of the field one will fade away. My secret in ministry is this - I love God more than even the ministry.  Every now and then I do a due diligence check to make sure I am on the right track because sometimes we can be so carried away with working for God and forget to walk with him, that's where a lot of Gospel ministers are missing it.

The ministry has become a field of competition and a playground for kids now, who know nothing about ministry, nor the covenant that backs them, most don't have a personal relationship with who they are working with or for, respectfully so. 

HHHH: What is your proudest or most fulfilling moment since going into this ministry?

Nomad: Accepting the life Christ offer is and still is my proudest accomplishment in ministry.

You see, the thing is; ministry is an extension of your love for God, whatever you are going to accomplish in ministry you have to do it through your love for God or else nothing counts, truly so.

HHHH: Wow you are an exemplary figure.
Was there a time you were tempted to give up or switch lanes to secular music, if there is, how did you overcome the trial?

Nomad: From the destructive life I was Redeemed from, there was no way I could have even thought of going secular with my art. It was all solely for Christ and him alone.

HHHH: Hmmm, this is profound.

Let's talk about the Christian Hip-hop scene. I believe you are one of the pioneers of CHH in northern Nigeria and you have a foreknowledge about it. 

We used to have Christian Youth Groups in Northern Nigerian Cities like Kaduna, Abuja, Keffi, Makurdi, Jos, Zaria etc. These youth groups did exploits and produced some of the best artists in Nigeria today but they are all non-existent now. What do you think happened?

Nomad: You see, I have been In the scene for a while quite sure, and before my very eyes I have seen Christian youth groups formed and diminished over the years, I am a product of one of such groups back then called  (THE KINGS).

HHHH: Yeah I remember, "The Kings" back then.

Nomad: I have this to say, you see, the Late Dr Myles Munroe will say and I quote "When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable" Most of these youth groups came together for so many reasons and most of them, Christ was not the centre. Using my group as an example (THE KINGS) it's evident and clear that the core wasn't Christ-centred. There were many distractions, skills and talents took the front stage more than our love for God or the desire to work for him, it was basically self-seeking, and the bible states clearly in James 3:16 "For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there."

There is no way such can stand on a faulty foundation. A lot of these youth groups had Christ in their mouths, songs and emblems but they didn't have him in their hearts and I will always say; ministry is an extension of our love for God. Even though some of the people that are still "relevant" to date are products of such groups, one can still trace arrogance and pride somewhere in their lives because of the faulty foundation they had. 

Never overlook the place of character in anything you do as an individual because different individuals form a unit. Some of these guys have gone far from ministering on stage to not only leaving ministry but renouncing Christ totally, it is truly a sad reality. For some, they got married and the burden that comes with the issues of life made them drop ministry to face other things, especially for the women. These are all products of a faulty foundation and individual decisions, some were not called to the ministry, they saw their friends doing ministry and felt they could and some of these groups wanted numbers so they lured all sorts of people to join their groups in the hope they will meet Christ somehow, somewhere but reverse was the case. These were and are some of the mistakes some of these youth groups made and are still making to date. So, I have this to say; in my final words on this topic. If Christ is not the centre, it won't have the breath of God in it, you can still b successful in ministry but be rest assured you will never have his presence.

HHHH: This is scintillating
Can you elaborate on the place of mentorship in the growth of a Christian rapper/creative?

Nomad: Allow me to delve deeper into this matter. You see the one major problem we are going to be having in CHH is mentorship (submission), kids holding the mic now are doing it wrong wrong wrong, Not wrong because they jump on stage like frogs, that's a product of bad mentorship but wrong because they don't discern the times and seasons and dey don't understand submission as a spiritual principle. 

See, I don't recognize CHH anymore because boys keep springing up you can't trace their backgrounds, and you can't get what message they are trying to pass. Before if you see a rapper, you can trace him to either Ywap, LXG or some other groups. I'm not saying God can't raise men but am saying God will not raise a man who has no roots.

Everyone is on the fast road to fame and celebrity name. The scene is very scary now, that's why I barely accept invitations to minister like I do before. Kids still climb the stage with sagging pants, holding the mic in an unethical manner like thieves This is all a result of bad mentorship as stated earlier.

The core of the matter we should be talking about here is submission. Submission has a very pivotal role to play in ministry, but right now no rapper wants to submit to anyone because he can spit a punchline and rhyme a word, no one wants to be told what to do.
But you see the mantle of CHH is held by a few, this I know and this a spiritual fact. These are some of the secrets these kids are missing, some people hold the key to this door and if they don't give you, you are going nowhere. But by and only through your efforts and by strength shall no man prevail. 

If you were at SCEPTER PROGRAM last year organized by F.A under the auspices of D'Waters If you remember what I said when I was about to pray for OT the sent one it was a direct instruction from God for me to pray for him and commission him unto the work God has for him. It's not just mentorship but submission under a spiritual covering instead of being a vagabond and a lone wolf. This is a network and is routed to Christ. Even Jesus was commissioned by John the Baptist, I was commissioned by Shurnom (one great gospel rapper I know) now a pastor with Living Faith Foundation

This is part of the problem we are having In The body of Christ today not only in Hip Hop--submission.

God wants to do a lot in his body but the ranks are not in order and the chains are broken. I stop there on this matter.

HHHH: This is a very deep and heartfelt submission, sir.

Finally, sir, what's your message/counsel to the community and the body at large in this contemporary world, where our faith is being tried through pop culture, technology and politics?

Nomad: Firstly, I will this generation to pass down the fundamentals of the Christian faith to the generation that is coming behind, we need to contend for the faith and pass down the doctrines and tenets of the Christian faith to the generation that is coming behind us, if not they will stand over our graves and curse us for believing in God because we didn't teach them the patterns to engage God. The Bible was saying in Deuteronomy 11:19 "And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Secondly, we need to study to show ourselves approved unto God and we need to be ready in and out of season to defend the Christian faith. We should engage the culture from a scripture frame of reference, unashamedly.

Finally, let our motives be God and Christ-centred anything out of this Is not ministry at all but self-glorification and vain Glory.

HHHH: This is sound!
Thank you very much sir for this timely message and labour of love.

Nomad: Thank you for the honour. I don't take this for granted. May God strengthen us all.
Connect with Nomad on all social media platforms at @nomadApologist 
